TensionPro recently celebrated five years in business by announcing record annual sales, a growing order book and the opening of additonal production and office facilities. 

After year-on-year growth since 2018, the business is now firmly established as a leading player in the bolt tensioning market with an excellent range of trusted and innovative products, a global customer base and a worldwide network of distributors. 

The company's expanding workforce was further strengthened in 2023 following a number of new appointments. Most recently Georgina Orford (pictured) joined as Design Engineer, bringing with her nine years experience in bolt tensioner design with Hydratight and Boltight. As part of TensionPro's engineering team, she will help design bolt tensioner solutions, develop the next generation of bolting products and provide technical support to customers and distributors. 

To satisfy demand, the company has expanded its UK manufacturing operation by acquiring additional facilities adjacent to TensionPro's current base in Norton Canes, Staffordshire, UK. This will provide extra space for a dedicated refurbishment section, a training and demonstration area and a large open plan office for the sales and engineering teams to work together in one location. 

TensionPro recently announced more local partnerships with distributors in key markets. The company has teamed up with Marcem in Australia to target the country's wind and mining sectors and Kinetic Energy Services in the UK, a leading independent service and maintenance provider to the wind turbine industry. 

Commented TensionPro Director, Dave Metzger: "Our first five years has flown by. There have been plenty of hurdles along the way and it's not always been easy, but we have stuck resolutely to our focus as a specialist supplier of hydraulic bolt tensioning solutions, delivered with excellent customer support and service. Our business model is to work predominantly through distributors and we have developed some excellent relationships within our global network. Thanks to everyone for supporting us. We're hoping the next five years will prove equally successful."